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четверг, 11 января 2018 г.

The Amazing And Ancient Inca Roca Polygonal Walls In Cusco

One of the most famous ancient walls in Cusco is located along Hatunrumiyoq street (meaning “the tall stones” in the Inca language) and of course is thought by most to have been an Inca period construction. But the story is more complex.

The quality of the craftsmanship is exceptional, and it is unlikely that the Inca had the tools required to achieve such precision in a very hard stone like this granite. Engineers and stone masons that have seen this work in person with the author believe that ancient high technology was responsible.

The above photos show us that later repairs were made to this construction by the Inca, and then Spanish colonials, and that said repairs are far inferior to the original work. As there is no data suggesting that the Inca had a sudden decline in their technical prowess, they must have inherited the original construction.

These children above are climbing on a section that was restored in the 1950s by archaeologists, using some of the stone which was found on site, and the rest being brought from a local quarry in the neighbourhood of San Blas.

Most revealing is the above photo, believed to be from the 1930s. It clearly shows inferior stone work on the left, which is classic Inca. It appears that they found this wall in a state of decay, and made repairs to it, perhaps during the reign of the high Inca named Inca Roca in the 14th century. This intimates that Cusco was an ancient megalithic city found by the Inca around 1000 AD.

Short video of the Inca Roca wall

Join us in June 2017 and see the wall, and much more for yourself. Full details HERE.

The post The Amazing And Ancient Inca Roca Polygonal Walls In Cusco appeared first on Hidden Inca Tours.

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