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воскресенье, 17 сентября 2017 г.

In Russia created an innovative “electronic doctor”

In Russia created an innovative “electronic doctor”

The shvabe holding, part of rostec state Corporation, has created an innovative range of digital health services for the diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system of man.

Advanced “electronic doctor” was presented at the conference “Biotekhmed”. The main objective of the system — monitoring and analysis of cardiovascular diseases.

One of the key elements of the complex is a 12-channel wireless electrocardiograph with automated interpretation. The system comprises means of automatic data analysis and make diagnosis with recommendations for treatment. This takes into account the indicators of 500 thousand verified electrocardiograms.

Ростех / Антон Тушин

Rostec / Anton Tushin

The system, according to rostec, provides continuous data of the cardiovascular systems of patients in a single center in the real time. The data is processed and analyzed, and then quickly generates statistics on the condition of patients in all regions covered by the system.

The new product is suitable for use in the framework of the model of telemedicine. Thus, the cardiograph has support for Internet telemetry of the ECG. The capabilities of the device allow you to remove ECG and to obtain a medical report no more than five minutes.

It is also noted that in the foreseeable future, rostec plans to implement the system in all regions of Russia and CIS countries.


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