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среда, 4 октября 2017 г.

Astronaut mischiefIn 1971 Apollo 15 paid a visit to our…

Astronaut mischiefIn 1971 Apollo 15 paid a visit to our…

Astronaut mischief

In 1971 Apollo 15 paid a visit to our planet’s satellite, and unbeknownst to NASA its commander David Scott had sneaked a secret passenger on board, a statue of an astronaut accompanied by a plaque created by Belgian artist Paul Van Hoeydonck. Left lying down in Hadley Rille (a lava tube with a collapsed roof), the plaque contains the names of six Soviet cosmonauts and eight US astronauts who died in the line of duty. A poignant reminder of the risks of space travel, the piece should remain as an eternal memorial on the moon, unless the site is struck by a meteorite some day in the future.


Image credit: David Scott/NASA

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