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воскресенье, 1 октября 2017 г.

paradoxdesign: “Suddenly the sound ceased…. In the distance the…

paradoxdesign: “Suddenly the sound ceased…. In the distance the…


“Suddenly the sound ceased….

In the distance the rumbling still lingered on for a while, thundering over hills far away, slowly fading to silence, until only the soft rustle of the wind through the leaves remained.

The woods have never been a more quiet place. No birds, no squirrels, only that soft breeze through the trees. As if everything held its breath. Life paused you might say.

Rays of light painted the humid air between the trees in an eerie way. And just in that brief moment between the cataclysmic events everything seemed in complete balance. Life, nature, time and light. If you could press the pause button on time’s tape recorder, all would be fine in that particular moment. Nothing would change and everyone would remain their happy selves for eternity. But there was no button.. Time passed and held no one in regard..

There was a bright flash, a shockwave, bending trees and…..”

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