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воскресенье, 1 октября 2017 г.

Remarkable fire damage Yesterday we showed you a sky turned…

Remarkable fire damage Yesterday we showed you a sky turned…

Remarkable fire damage

Yesterday we showed you a sky turned orange by 2013 wildfires in New South Wales, Australia’s most populous province ( This photo is the result of one of those fires and it’s remarkable enough that it should be highlighted.

This photo comes from the parking lot of the Sydney Aquatic Center, site of the swimming competitions in the 2000 Olympic Games. While dozens of people were swimming last Sunday in the center, a stray cigarette ignited a brush fire. That fire was whipped by 70 km/hr winds, temperatures over 35 degrees C, and a frighteningly low 5% relative humidity, into a rapidly burning blaze.

The fire jumped from car to car while people were inside swimming. The facility was evacuated and the blaze was eventually extinguished, but not before 47 cars were destroyed and 33 others were damaged. The fire must have been remarkable, spreading across the parking lot in a period of minutes, reportedly leaving visibility for the people on site near zero.


Image credit: AAP

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