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среда, 10 января 2018 г.

Asexual Reproduction…

…is something many organisms are capable of. Asexual reproduction refers to the process where an organism has offspring without a partner. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent (so basically a clone). This is a great method for organisms that live in solitude, or have trouble finding a partner. It is a method we see with many microscopic organisms, being so small in a big world has its disadvantages.

Asexual reproduction can also prevent a species from going extinct under extreme circumstances, although this is obviously not an option for every endangered species out there. However recently a leopard shark at a Queensland, Australia aquarium hatched three pups after being without a partner for three mating seasons. DNA testing was done on the pups and they only have genetic material from the mother. Read more here:

That being said, however, asexual reproduction has its down falls. It leads to less genetic diversity in a population which can result in more genetic defects and health issues. Often times, like the Diatoms in the diagram above, eventually you end up with a generation where some of the offspring can no longer reproduce.

Source Marine Biology Facts and Information

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