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вторник, 20 марта 2018 г.

Beakers vs modern-day Northern Europeans

Here are most of the Beakers from Olalde et al. 2018 in my Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of modern-day Northern European genetic variation. They look rather Celtic or perhaps Celto-Germanic, don’t they? The relevant datasheet is available here.

If you’re wondering why the Yamnaya and early Baltic Corded Ware individuals are sitting in the middle of the plot, I’d say it’s because they don’t share enough genetic drift with any specific sub-set of modern-day Northern Europeans to cluster with them. This might be also why the Ukraine Neolithic samples are so dispersed around the middle of the plot. In other words, they’re possibly too old to feature in this PCA, unlike the Beakers and Bronze Age descendants of the Baltic Corded Ware people, who are clustering fairly deliberately with their likely closest modern-day relatives.
See also…
Genetic and linguistic structure across space and time in Northern Europe


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