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пятница, 30 марта 2018 г.

ORB in the sky, UFO sightings over Florida, USA

Date of sighting: March 30, 2016

Lovation: FL, US


Long Description of Sighting Report

I was volunteering at a track meet and our team was just finishing cleaning up. Then 3 of us saw two orange orbs appear northwest of where we were. The orbs sat there for at least 20 minutes i did not see them leave but when i came out of a building they were gone. I then was picked up by my mom to take me home. Which is when a white-green orb appeared and it sat there for another 10 minutes when the other two orange orbs appeared again together all three orbs formed a huge triangle in the night sky. That shape was made for three minutes when one of the orange orbs veered to the right and then disappeared. Now at this time it’s about 8:30 at night, only the green-white orb remained when me and my mom entered our neighborhood and got home,we walked outside and saw the second orange orb also veer to the right and disappear. while this was happening is was thinking to myself i have never seen something like this before,this is crazy and somewhat creepy. The last orb, which was the green-white orb remained stationary until about 8:55 at night. Which then it began to dim very slowly so i went to go get my dad and show him before it left and by the time i got back out the last orb had disappeared.

note: the video provided is while i was in the car with my mom and the two orange orbs had not reappeared

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