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понедельник, 30 апреля 2018 г.

Ancient Stone Carvings at Sillustani, Peru

Chullpas Torre of Lagartija (of the lizard)(Largest Sillustani Tower)

Chullpas Torre of Lagartija (of the lizard)(Largest Sillustani Tower)

Sillustani is a Chullpa Tower site on the edge of Lake Umayo near Lake Titicaca in Peru. Sillustani is thought to be built by the Kolla Culture around 1000 AD, but the site has been occupied since 7000 BC. Some of the Chullpa (funerary) towers were constructed by the Inca, but the intricate carving is very similar to Gobekli Tepe in Turkey c.11,500 BC and features various animals and serpents in relief. The museum also has three elongated skulls and mummified burials.

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