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суббота, 14 апреля 2018 г.

Круги на полях в Cley Хилл, графство Уилтшир,...

Круги на полях в Cley Хилл, графство Уилтшир, Великобритания – 30 июля 2016 года

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Inside the circle early Sunday Morning on the 31st July 2016.

Cley Hill crop circle 30/7/2016

Crop Circle location: 51.199947, -2.233107 (S)

Aerial footage of a crop circle at Cley Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire. Reported 30th July 2016. An ancient hill transformed in to a hill-fort, with mounds and earthworks on its summit. A legend says a giant dropped the earth on the way from Somerset to Devizes and Cley Hill was formed. It was also the viewing platform for many UFO sightings recorded in the 1960s and 70s during the ‘Warminster UFO Flap’! Below it, two nights ago, this formation appeared and it has no evidence of human construction in the centre, as you can see it has standing crop, so the question arises – are they back?! Filmed with a Dji Phantom 4.


Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire 2016 alien ufo

Images Tom Keegan Copyright 2016

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK - 30 July 2016

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK - 30 July 2016

Crop Circle at Cley Hill, Wiltshire, UK - 30 July 2016

Images Tom Keegan Copyright 2016 alien crop circle UK

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