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пятница, 6 апреля 2018 г.

Nightmare of oil companies, the hydrogen engine based on water

Nightmare of oil companies, the hydrogen engine based on water

Brazil: This motorbike runs on water

A motorcycle able to travel up to 500 kilometres (310 miles) on a litre of water was trumpeted by creator Ricardo Azevedo in Sao Paulo, Monday.

Called the ‘T Power H20,’ the design features a combination of water and a single, external car battery used to produce electricity and separate the hydrogen from the water molecule. The process, involving a pipe-system, results in combustion which subsequently creates the energy necessary to power the bike.

Steve Ryan from Auckland, New Zealand has an expertise in financing. Nevertheless he gave up his job to become full-time inventor. Eventually, he succeeded in developing such a unique process – a Suzuki 350cc motorcycle running on regular tap water! However, it’s not that simple.

The water acts as a fuel after it has been processed in his astonishing invention (for approximately 20 minutes). In addition, the motor also has a simple modification of the carburetor.  Steve is convinced that H2O will have a great part in the next commercial and industrial revolution.

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