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суббота, 28 апреля 2018 г.

UFO which most often noticed on your smartphone

The man who sent the pictures brings a shocking case.

It all started with blurred moon

UFO on your smartphone
Blurring Moon

That was the message I received from a stranger.

message screen
Part 1

then I had to look at the photo that is nothing special.
then I had to look at the photo that is nothing special.


It was the end of the chat
It was the end of the chat

A few tips for the owners of smartphones and tablets other gadgets.

  1. Before using the camera gear read the instructions.

  2. Learn the principle of operation of the optical system.

  3. Learn what is shutter speed or exposure.

  4. Find out what is the light patches, how to avoid glare on the lens optics.

Studying these basics you can distinguish a UFO from the rest.

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