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четверг, 3 мая 2018 г.

How Many Words Are There For Roly Poly?We love Thesaurus Day. In…

How Many Words Are There For Roly Poly?

We love Thesaurus Day. In the science world, every species has one name, so everyone knows what someone’s talking about. This one’s called Armadillidium vulgare. But in the outside world, one species can have loads of common names. This one has more than 40. Like roly poly. Or pillbug. Or monkeypig, carpetmonster or granddad gravy, some of the more fun variations our British neighbors came up with. And then there’s our personal favorite…granfy crooger.

Learn how these scavenger bugs…whatever name you want to call them…can fight climate change:

See the 40-plus odd names they go by in the British Isles:

(Photo: Walter Siegmund., under the GNU Free Documentation License)

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