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среда, 2 мая 2018 г.

Open analysis thread: genetic distance (Fst) matrix focusing on ancient Central and South...

I’m hoping that we can learn something new about the genomic prehistory of Eurasia, and especially Central and South Asia, based on this massive new Fst matrix:

Ancient Central and South Asia genetic distance (Fst) matrix

Hint: it’s probably easiest to initially explore this format with a program called PAST. Indeed, from the top of my head, if you’d like to model fine scale ancestry proportions based on these data, it might be a good idea to use PAST to first turn the matrix into a principal coordinates (PCoA) datasheet.
On a related note, as I was typing this, commentator Chetan alerted me to a post at the Molgen forum claiming that Y-haplogroup R1b-L51 has turned up in Eneolithic remains from Pontic-Caspian steppe (see here). If true, then it’s a big deal, because it’s the best evidence yet that L51 expanded from the steppes into Central and Western Europe after the Neolithic. This is the Google translation of the post. Emphasis is mine.

Hello. Today, the XIV Samara Archeological Conference was held. The following reports were heard. Khokhlov AA Preliminary results of anthropological and genetic studies of materials of the Volga-Ural region of the Neolithic-Early Bronze Age by an international group of scientists. In his report, AA Khokhlov. introduced into scientific circulation until the unpublished data of the new Eneolithic burial ground Ekatirinovsky cape, which combines both the Mariupol and Khvalyn features, and refers to the fourth quarter of the V millennium BC. All samples analyzed had a uraloid anthropological type, the chromosome of all the samples belonged to the haplogroup R1b1a2 (R-P 312 / S 116), and the haplogroup R1b1a1a2a1a1c2b2b1a2. Mito to haplogroups U2, U4, U5. In the Khvalyn burial grounds (1 half of the 4th millennium BC), the anthropological material differs in a greater variety. In addition to the uraloid substratum, European broad-leaved and southern-European variants are recorded. To the game haplogroup R1a1, O1a1, I2a2 are added to mito T2a1b, H2a1.

I’d say that this information sounds legit. But let’s wait and see if the results are backed up by one of the major ancient DNA labs in the west, like the Reich Lab.
See also…
Late PIE ground zero now obvious; location of PIE homeland still uncertain, but…


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