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вторник, 1 мая 2018 г.

So how many of you really read the preprints at bioRxiv?

There’s a new preprint at bioRxiv about the spread of the plague across much of Eurasia via the expansions of Early Bronze Age steppe pastoralists. It’s been up for a few days now. Judging by the number of tweets on the preprint, a lot of people have read it. Or have they? The manuscript contains a glaring error, a couple times over, in which the authors mix up the Afanasievo Culture with the Andronovo Culture. That’s OK, this is why we have preprints and bioRxiv. I just found it somewhat amusing to see one lonely voice pointing this out under the rash of tweets recommending the paper.

Update 20/12/2016: A corrected version of the preprint has just been posted at bioRxiv. See here. See also…

Mobile and then some
Source Eurogenes Blog

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