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вторник, 1 мая 2018 г.

UFO not a Meteor over Colombia

venezuela colombia bolide meteor
meteor or UFO?

Meteorito sobre Venezuela y Bogotá Colombia 16 – 17diciembre 2016

According to official sources, no space debris from orbit or satellites spacejunk observed.

The Geminid bolide struck the skies over the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Girón and Zapatoca of the department of Santander and the municipality of Yopal of the department of Casanare.

The phenomenon was seen in the municipalities of Bucaramanga, Girón and Zapatoca of the department of Santander and the municipality of Yopal of the department of Casanare at approximately 6:25 pm local time.


It could not have been a meteorite.

It is a technical object flying at a very elongated parabolic trajectory.

Apparently the object was observed for about 40 seconds.

The exact description of the trajectory of flight of this UFO is absent.

witnesses do not indicate direction.

For all physical parameters, it looks like the descent from orbit of the spacecraft about 100 meters radius.

It’s much more of our space ships.

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