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вторник, 28 августа 2018 г.

Fireballs over Canada, UK, and France!

On Saturday evening there were two bright fireballs observed, over the UK and only some hours later over Canada! A couple of days before, on Tuesday, another bright fireball was spotted over France and even caught on video.

If you witnessed one of these event and/or if you have a video or a photo of this event, please

Submit an Official Fireball Report

(available in 36 languages)

If you want to learn more about Fireballs: read our Fireball FAQ.

Fireball Over France on July 10th

The IMO has received 28 reports so far about a fireball seen from France, the Netherlands and Germany on Tue 10 July 2018 around 21:25 UTC. The french meteor network BOAM caught 4.4 seconds of the fireball from a camera station located in Chaligny (East of France). For this event, we also received a photo taken by M. Rebbe from Oberwolfach, Germany.

IMO Event#2379-2018 caught by the french meteor network BOAM

IMO Event#2379-2018 caught by M.Rebbe – Oberwolfach, Germany

Fireball Over Northern England on July 14th

A couple of days later, 14 July 2018 at 21:47 UTC, a fireball was spotted over Northern England. So far, there are more than 50 reports, one even from the Netherlands.

IMO Event#2379-2018 – Witness Locations and Estimated ground trajectory

Fireball Over Ontario and Quebec (Canada) on July 14th

On 14 July 2018 at 01:05 UTC (21:05 LT) another fireball was observed over Quebec, reported by more than 77 observers from different states like Pennsylvania, Quebec, New York Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

This post was created as part of the NEMO collaboration.

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