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пятница, 14 сентября 2018 г.

37 ancient rock tombs discovered in Central China

Recently, 37 ancient rock tombs were discovered in Yangpitan, Yunxi county, Central China’s Hubei province.

37 ancient rock tombs discovered in Central China

37 ancient rock tombs discovered in Central China
Archaeologists access the excavation area on a cliff by rock climbing to the site in Yangpitan,
Yunxi county, Central China’s Hubei Province [Credit: Zhang Jianbo/ChinaDaily]

This is the first time for archaeologists carry out large-scale excavations by rock climbing along the Hanjiang River, Central China’s Hubei province.

37 ancient rock tombs discovered in Central China

37 ancient rock tombs discovered in Central China
An archaeologists at work on a rock tomb in Yangpitan, Yunxi county, Central China’s Hubei Province
[Credit: Zhang Jianbo/ChinaDaily]

From the 37 tombs, human bones, and items from the Tang Dynasty (618-907), such as copper coins, material beads, celadon fragments and inscription bricks, have been unearthed.

Source: ECNS [September 12, 2018]



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