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среда, 12 сентября 2018 г.

Avars and Longobards

Most of the “barbarians” from today’s Amorim et al. paper have made it into the Global25 datasheets. Look for the samples with Collegno and Szolad in their labels. Same links as always…

Global 25 datasheet (scaled)
Global 25 datasheet
Global 25 pop averages (scaled)
Global 25 pop averages

Here’s my usual Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of West Eurasian variation with the same individuals. As seen in the paper, the two females from Avar burials are very European indeed, with no hints of any recent Asian ancestry. The relevant datasheet is available here.

And this is my Global25-derived North European PCA featuring a subset of these samples that plotted firmly with present-day populations from north of the Alps, Balkans and Pyrenees. The aforementioned Avars (red dots) are sitting within the Polish cluster. The relevant datasheet is available here.

See also…
First real foray into Migration Period Europe: the Gepid, Roman, Ostrogoth and others


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