JAXA – Hayabusa2 Mission patch.
October 3, 2018
A shoebox-sized lander called the Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT) deployed from its mothership, Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft, as planned at 9:57 p.m. EDT Tuesday (Oct. 2; 0157 GMT on Oct. 3) and came to rest on Ryugu shortly thereafter.
“It could not have gone better,” MASCOT project manager Tra-Mi Ho, from the DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen, Germany, said in a statement. (DLR is the German acronym for the German Aerospace Center, which built MASCOT in collaboration with the French space agency, CNES.
Image above: Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft successfully dropped the MASCOT lander on the asteroid Ryugu on Oct. 3, 2018 (Japan Standard Time). Left: Illustration of the MASCOT lander separating from the Hayabusa2 mother ship. Right: Illustration of MASCOT landing on the surface of the asteroid Ryugu. Image Credit: JAXA.
“From the lander’s telemetry, we were able to see that it separated from the mothercraft and made contact with the asteroid surface approximately 20 minutes later,” Ho added.
MASCOT has already started gathering data with its four onboard science instruments — a camera, a radiometer, a spectrometer and a magnetometer — mission team members said. The 22-lb. (10 kilograms) lander must make haste, because its battery is expected to die just 16 hours after touchdown.
MASCOT took 20 photos during its slow descent toward Ryugu, and these images are stored aboard Hayabusa2 at the moment, mission team members said. And observations made by the magnetometer before separation (which occurred when Hayabusa2 was about 167 feet, or 51 meters, above Ryugu) have already made it down to Earth.
“The measurements show the relatively weak field of the solar wind and the very strong magnetic disturbances caused by the spacecraft,” MASCOT team member Karl-Heinz Glaßmeier, from the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany, said in the same statement. “At the moment of the separation, we expected a clear decrease of the interference field — and we were able to recognize this clearly.”
Image above: The MASCOT landing site candidate region (light blue area) on the asteroid Ryugu. Since MASCOT was expected to bounce several times after first touching down, a reasonably wide region was selected. Image Credit: AXA, University of Tokyo, Kochi University, Rikkyo University, Nagoya University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Meiji University, University of Aizu, AIST, CNES, DLR.
MASCOT is following in the footsteps of MINERVA-II1A and MINERVA-II1B, two 2.4-lb. (1.1 kg) rovers that deployed from Hayabusa2 on the night of Sept. 21. Both of those little robots aced their touchdowns and soon began exploring the surface of Ryugu.
Like the Japanese-built MINERVA-II1A and MINERVA-II1B, the autonomous MASCOT can move by hopping, which it does by manipulating a metallic “swing arm” inside its body. The lander can also use this arm to right itself on Ryugu’s surface — an important feature, because MASCOT needs to be right side up to gather data and beam it up to Hayabusa2.
The $150 million Hayabusa2 mission launched in December 2014 and arrived in orbit around Ryugu in late June of this year. The mothership may have one more rover deployment to go: It still carries the “optional” hopper MINERVA-II2, which could make its way to Ryugu’s surface next year.
Image above: Illustration of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. MASCOT is stored on the -Y-plane (left side) panel. Image credit: JAXA.
And the orbiter itself will make its way down to the space rock in 2019 as well, after sending a nonexplosive impactor barreling into Ryugu. Hayabusa2 will grab pristine, previously subsurface samples from the newly created crater; this material is scheduled to come down to Earth in a return capsule in December 2020.
Data gathered by the mission at Ryugu and by scientists who examine its returned sample should shed considerable light on the solar system’s early history and the role that carbon-rich asteroids like Ryugu may have played in life’s emergence on Earth, Hayabusa2 team members have said.
Related article:
Hayabusa2 Touches Down Ryugu:
Related links:
JAXA’s Hayabusa2 website: http://www.hayabusa2.jaxa.jp/en/
MASCOT website at DLR: https://www.dlr.de/dlr/en/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-10975/
MASCOT website at CNES: https://mascot.cnes.fr/en/MASCOT/index.htm
Images (mentioned), Text, Credits: JAXA/Space.com/Mike Wall.
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