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вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г.

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland

Excavations carried ahead of the Pinczow bypass in southern Poland revealed two burials of the so-called Early Bronze Age Mierzanowice culture, dating to about 2,000 BC.

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland
Early Bronze Age grave found in Pinczow [Credit: Agata Chrobot]

The first grave contained the skeleton of a man, five clay vessels (two almost whole, three broken), and five arrowheads. It is unclear at present whether the individual in the second grave is male or female.

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland
Early Bronze Age grave found in Pinczow [Credit: Agata Chrobot]

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland
Post holes from a Neolithic ‘long house’ found in Pinczow [Credit: Agata Chrobot]

The excavations were carried out in the immediate vicinity of the 767 road from Pińczów to Busko-Zdrój. Archaeologists discovered a total of 214 archaeological objects, including remains of a ‘long house’ and arrowheads from the Neolthic period, an iron knife from the Roman period, as well as several hundred fragments of ceramics from the Neolithic period to the Middle Ages.

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland
Arrow heads found in the first grave at Pinczow [Credit: Agata Chrobot]

Early Bronze Age graves found in southern Poland
Remains of furnace found in Pinczow [Credit: Agata Chrobot]

On the road 767 from Pińczów to Busko-Zdrój, archaeologists also excavated the remains of a 2,000 year old iron-smelting furnace.
All findings will probably be exhibited in the Regional Museum in Pinczow.

Source: Echodnia [December 02, 2018]



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