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среда, 26 декабря 2018 г.

Get the popcorn ready for 2019

Occasionally I’m criticized here and elsewhere for focusing too heavily on the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) homeland problem. But there are two very good reasons why I focus so much on this issue. First and foremost, this blog is a platform for original research related to European genetics, rather than just a review blog, so what I focus on largely depends on the data that are released by various labs. And a lot of the data released over the past three years have been directly relevant to the PIE homeland riddle.
Secondly, I enjoy the fact that this is a fairly popular blog, so to keep it popular I have to produce content that attracts a decent number of people. Below are links to the ten posts with original content that attracted the highest number of visitors over the past twelve months (around 10,000 or more hits each, which I suspect is pretty good for such non-mainstream content). Eight of the posts are about the PIE homeland and/or the early Indo-Europeans.

Central Asia as the PIE urheimat? Forget it
On the doorstep of India
Graeco-Aryan parallels
Indo-European crackpottery
The mystery of the Sintashta people
Likely Yamnaya incursion(s) into Northwestern Iran
Indian smoke and mirrors
First real foray into Migration Period Europe: the Gepid, Roman, Ostrogoth and others…
Modeling genetic ancestry with Davidski: step by step
Some German guy once said…

So guess what? In 2019 you’ll be seeing a lot more about the PIE homeland and related topics at this blog, and I offer no apologies for that. Indeed, I actually feel obligated now to stay in the PIE homeland debate to steer it as best as I can in the right direction.
But no matter what I do, I’ll be going out of my way here to keep things fresh and funny. Even when I’m being brutal and vicious (not literally, of course, because I don’t condone violence or threatening behavior) I’ll try to make it a highly entertaining experience for almost everyone.
See also…
Big deal of 2018: Yamnaya not related to Maykop
Late PIE ground zero now obvious; location of PIE homeland still uncertain, but…


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