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суббота, 19 января 2019 г.

Dutch Beakers: like no other Beakers

In my last two blog posts I tried to explain why the so called Bell Beakers of Bronze Age Europe cannot be confidently derived in any significant way from the Yamnaya population of the Carpathian Basin, and are more likely to have been an offshoot, in varying degrees, of the Single Grave or Corded Ware people of the Lower Rhine region (see here and here).
To help drive my message home, below is a series of new Principal Component Analysis (PCA) plots that illustrate the unique position of Dutch Beakers from the Lower Rhine relative to the Corded Ware population of Germany and all the other Beaker groups sampled to date.
The Dutch Beakers don’t exactly sit between the Corded Ware and the other Beaker samples, but generally at the apex of their clusters, suggesting to me that they’re not a recent mixture between Corded Ware and one or more of the other Beaker groups, but rather, as per my recent argumentation, a genetically homogeneous, relatively unique and thus long-standing Corded Ware-related population that may have contributed significant gene flow to the other Beaker groups.
Please note also that all of these outcomes can be confirmed with various types of formal statistics. I know this because I’ve done it.

See also…
Late PIE ground zero now obvious; location of PIE homeland still uncertain, but…


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