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среда, 9 января 2019 г.

Roman Aqueduct Rehabilitation Project at Jordan’s Gadara-Umm Qais completed

The U.S. Embassy in Amman is pleased to announce the completion of a project funded by the U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) that has conserved and rehabilitated the Roman Aqueduct of Gadara in Umm Qais.

Roman Aqueduct Rehabilitation Project at Jordan's Gadara-Umm Qais completed
The project, which began in 2015, to better preserve the Roman Aqueduct of Gadara in Umm Qais concluded
with a ceremony on Tuesday. It is expected to boost tourism to the Umm Qais archaeological site seen
in this undated photo [Credit: Jordan Tourism Board]

“Through our partnership with the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology of Yarmouk University on this $160,000 grant, this important historical site is better preserved for the people of Jordan and for the many visitors and tourists who will come to marvel at the ingenuity of ancient builders”, said an embassy spokeman.

Today, Yarmouk University, in collaboration with the U.S. Embassy, held a ceremony, to officially open the tunnel to the Jordanian public and tourists.

The Roman Aqueduct in Umm Qais is the largest Roman water system in the world, covering 170 km from Jordan to Syria — a distance more than nine times the length of the second longest subterranean aqueduct in Italy.

Work under this AFCP grant took place from 2015-2018 and enabled the Department of Conservation and Management of Cultural Resources at Yarmouk University to prepare the aqueduct to welcome tourists and increase overall interest in the site as a tourist attraction in the North of Jordan.

The U.S. Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation supports the preservation of cultural sites, objects, and forms of traditional cultural expression around the world.

Since 2001, Jordan has received over $2 million in grants to fund 18 unique cultural heritage preservation projects in places like Petra, al-Beidha, Umm al-Jimaal, Abila, the Jordan Valley and in downtown Amman.

“The United States is proud to stand as a partner in preserving and protecting Jordan’s heritage sites,” said U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Jim Barnhart. “Tourism remains one of the foundations of Jordan’s economy and the United States is committed to supporting its continued growth.”

Source: US Embassy in Jordan [December 27, 2018]



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