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воскресенье, 17 сентября 2017 г.

Named the most expensive iPhone component X

Named the most expensive iPhone component X

Announced September 12, iPhone X became the most expensive smartphone Apple for ten years — in the US its starting price is $999. But if we consider the product only as a set of components, then the product will be much cheaper. Based on these insider channels price list for components iPhone X, Chinese analysts estimate that in reality, the device costs $412,75. In this case we are talking about the most expensive versions with 256 GB of flash memory, for which the buyer will have to pay $1149, and it means that the retail price of the finished product is more than two times higher value of its constituent parts.

The most expensive component of the iPhone X was the expected OLED display made by Samsung — for every matrix Apple shells out $80. In second place is the flash memory — 256-GB chip Toshiba sells cupertinos at $45 apiece. Chip RAM capacity of 3 GB priced almost half less — $24, only $2 more expensive than it is A11 Bionic processor, manufactured by TSMC. Stainless steel frame and glass panels together are $53, battery — $9, printing fee is $15. Plus $25 for a 3D sensor and $18 for the radio.

But we should not think that if the price components, which are assembled iPhone X, $736 less than its official retail price, these more than seven hundred dollars are pure profit for Apple per unit. Be aware that the above calculation does not include cost of Assembly, logistics and development.


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