A Roman Murder in Carlisle, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle, 18.3.18.
This skeleton of a likely murder victim in the 3rd century CE was found in the bottom of a well in Carlisle. There are three reasons why archaeologists suspect he was a murder victim. Firstly the body was dumped within the city which would have been illegal under Roman law. Secondly, it was discovered under a pile of rubbish, rather than a formal burial and thirdly, and this is probably the decider; the skull shows injuries that could only have been inflicted by someone else.
The victim was male, between the age of 30 to 45 years of age and in general good health (save for a little osteoarthritis in the spine.) The reconstruction model makes an educated guess as to hair colour and eye colour.
the lack of hands and feet bones on the skeleton are the product of decay in a deep and narrow well rather than some gruesome murder ritual.
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