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суббота, 31 марта 2018 г.

Mystery Sealand Skull

Perhaps this is the skull of a humanoid of alien origin?

The Skull was only discovered in 2007 in the small town of Ølstykke on the Danish island of Sealand.

The man who discovered it was a contractor who was hired to replace aging sewer pipes on the property. The initial discovery was taken with a pinch of salt and somehow considered to be the skull of a horse.

A former owner of the property was actually a horse butcher and equine bones were known to have been buried in the rear garden. It was only when the skull was cleaned off when it was fully discovered what a find it had the potential to be. Coverage of the find was minimal at first, just a few lines in the local press. Regardless of the actual origins of the skull, for little notice to be taken of it can be a mystery in itself. The first serious study conducted was only attempted in 2010. Scientists at the College of Veterinary Medicine took a closer look at the skull and eventually determined that they could not solve the mystery of the skull to theirs – or anyone’s – satisfaction. They couldn’t even decide what species the skull belonged to. They did arrive at one definite conclusion; while resembling a mammal, it could not fit into the Linnean Taxonomy because of “certain characteristics”. Unable to make any additional headway, the skull was forwarded to the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen. Like their Veterinarian counterparts, scientists here were unable to provide details surrounding the skull, but did make one crucial discovery. Carbon dating tests did reveal that the skull was almost a thousand years old. Estimates that the being was alive between 1200 and 1280. That alone ought to rule out any potential hoax as a possibility in regards to authenticity. Further excavations of the site revealed no additional finds.
 The skull is bigger than a human skull. The large eye size might indicate that this being might have lived in a dark environment. Also notice the relative small nose hole.

Images credit: © Anton Spangenberg 

Images credit: © Anton Spangenberg 

This can be seen on the tooth that is similar to the teeth in primates. However, of the several theories that have sprung up, there is a theory that people most often raised. The theory says if the discovery of the skull was a hoax. It can be seen from the shape of the skull itself looks very neat, even practically no parts missing alias still smooth, and moreover there is no other media that publish different news, all sourced unexplained, so it can be concluded if is the first site to publish it. The second hoax theory says if the skull is probably similar skull owl monkeys, tarsiers, monkeys night or manipulated, but this theory needs more research to prove it.

Owl Monkey

Skull Owl Monkey

Tarsier skulls


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