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воскресенье, 29 апреля 2018 г.

About Internet censorship in Europe and in Russia, the real numbers.

“Levada-Centre”: 60% of Russians support censorship on the Internet

Nearly two-thirds of Russians (60%) consider the necessary censorship on the Internet,

is opposed to 25% of the respondents,

informed “Interfax” in November, “Levada-Center”.

According to a third of respondents (32%), restrictions on access to certain sites can be used to restrict the activities of civil society activists, infringe on civil liberties.

The opposite opinion is shared by 44% of Russians.

According to the survey, every second Russian doubts that the Internet will replace newspapers, radio and television, but one-third (31%) believe the opposite in the future.

Information about events in the country, which is distributed on the main television channels, in one way or another trusted by 90%, do not trust – 7% of respondents.

The credibility of the same information from the Internet below – 73% against 10% “distrustful” of Russians and 18% were undecided.

Vladimir Putin about censorship on the Internet (2012)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the use of modern information technologies censorship useless and he repeatedly refused to enter the appropriate advice bans.

Earlier it was reported that Russia was included in the list of countries with non-free Internet.

Non-profit organization Freedom House has included Russia in the list of countries with non-free Internet. Russia scored 65 points on a scale from 0 to 100 (where zero is considered the best indicator). This was reported in the Freedom House website.


Statistics showed me wildly far-fetched.

It turns out a European organization is unhappy that Russia’s block and close the extremist activists who are paid from Europe.

In Russia, the most open and accessible in every sense of the Internet in the world

in the US for example.

US largest and most reliable partner of Russia.

I hope the US president Donald Trump will build together a free and fair world.

Maybe it’s naive but I am an optimist😊

Community of the “Runet” Russian-speaking internet feel complete freedom and impunity, all of whom are insulting, particularly the government of Russia.

Basically, the rights of users violate users.

The Russian government is very friendly and openly on the Internet.

You can follow all the legislative bodies and decision-makers.

For comparison, take the antithesis of Russia – France.

Let me start with the access of Internet resources

All companies and operators with access strictly regulated by the government of France, that violates human rights of the country.

Internet in Europe, one of the most inaccessible and costs.

Mobile – the maximum monthly traffic 5 GB costs about 40 euros per month,

  with obligatory registration of the contract for a year or two.

If the user terminates the contract, he must pay compensation of 300 euros.


For unlimited internet by cable prices and the rules are the same.

In Russia, the average of 30 GB per month for mobile will cost 1200 rubles or 20 euro,

  and the contract can be free to terminate.


  Internet company has assigned a positive rating ссылка для сравнения.

Это при том, что критика правительства во Франции в той форме,в  которой критикуется правительство РФ в рунете, абсолютно запрещена и уголовно наказуема. 

Могут посадить на 2 года, а могут оштрафовать на 5 000 евро 

и этот закон исполняется очень охотно полицейской структурой.

This is despite the fact that the French criticism of the government in the form in which the Russian government has been criticized in runet, it is absolutely forbidden and a criminal offense.

Can be planted for 2 years and can be fined up to EUR 5 000

and the law is executed very willing by police structure.

Any form of extremism are stopped.

This is especially practiced during presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy. He even changed the Constitution itself and raised the salary by half. And with the trolls and reproached had an excellent income, which had its own pocket profits.

For comparison, in Russia no one has been fined or prosecuted for any direct insults.

In France, under the guise of advertising false opposition parties banned criticism of the state.

In Russia, for example, during election campaigns.

Party freely distribute anything, and the falsehood, they were not ashamed.

No one has been brought to justice.

On channels RTR were insults and lies against the state institutions and officials.

In France, such is strictly prohibited, and if it happens

  that these figures are fined or sent to prison.

Conclusion “free” press France censor everything.

But in the French Internet like to criticize and the defame all of Russia’s actions.

Especially French Masons do not like when being punished extremists in Russia.

In France, all the content is limited, the sites are simply closed.

User prosecuted.

In Russia, the sites are not physically closed, users can bypass the lock.

For users not to apply restrictions.

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