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пятница, 13 апреля 2018 г.

The ancient geoglyphs Canada, Nuxalk Nation

The Nuxalk Nation is the band government of the Nuxalk people of Bella Coola, British Columbia. It is a member of the Oweekeno-Kitasoo-Nuxalk Tribal Council, and until March 2008 was a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. The population is 1,479.

Nuxalk Nation cultural site: the petroglyphs. “If there’s one thing you have to see in Bella Coola, it’s the petroglyphs.”

 For thousands of years, this has been traditional territory of the Nuxalk First Nations. Mark Madryga was lucky enough to visit and learn about what some consider the heart of the community, the ancient pertoglyphs and the legends behind them.

Hiking to the First Nations Petroglyphs in Bella Coola

Wildlife around Bella Coola

In its heart, the Bella Coola valley is the meeting point of the ancient Rainbow Mountains (weathered and rounded peaks) and the younger Coast Mountains (jagged peaks). 2,600 metre crags divide great valleys that are all their own unique and delicately interwoven ecosystems. Salmon migrate up the rivers to spawn in the late summer and early autumn before dying in their millions. Bears, eagles and wolves descend from the mountain sides to feast on the carcasses before the winter arrives while, traditionally, the First Nations would also reap the harvest of salmon.

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