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четверг, 2 августа 2018 г.

Global25 coordinates for almost 500 Ashkenazi Jews

I know that some of you are looking at the genetic structure of Ashkenazi and other Jewish populations with the Global25 data. So to help things along here are Global25 coordinates for 471 Ashkenazi individuals from Bray et al. 2010 (see here).

AJ G25 coordinates
AJ G25 coordinates (scaled)
AJ G25 coordinates PAST datasheet (scaled)

I don’t know what the genotyping accuracy is for these samples. It’s probably very accurate, but just in case, considering their age, it might be useful to remove the most extreme outliers before trying any fine scale analyses. In any case, on average, they’re very similar to the Ashkenazi Global25 reference panel. To illustrate the point, below is a plot based on the above PAST datasheet.

Indeed, across all 25 dimensions their lowest distance is to the Ashkenazi Global25 reference panel, followed by various Mediterranean populations. So it seems that everything makes sense.

Ashkenazi_G25_reference 1.031630
Maltese 1.995762
Italian_South 2.020773
Sicilian_East 2.166531
Sicilian_West 2.313971
Italian_Abruzzo 2.593161
Italian_Jew 2.757282
Greek_Crete 2.930938

See also…
New PCA featuring Botai horse tamers, Hun and Saka warriors, and many more…
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