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среда, 3 июля 2019 г.

Evidence of European ancestry in the Philistines

The abstract below has just appeared at the European Nucleotide Archive (see here), so I’m guessing that the relevant paper and accompanying ancient genome-wide data will be published within weeks if not days. Emphasis is mine:

The ancient Mediterranean port-city of Ashkelon, identified as “Philistine” during the Iron Age, underwent a dramatic cultural change between the Late Bronze- and the early Iron- Age. It has been long debated whether this change was driven by a substantial movement of people, possibly linked to a larger migration of the so-called “Sea Peoples”. Here, we report genome-wide data of ten Bronze- and Iron- Age individuals from Ashkelon. We find that the early Iron Age population was genetically distinct due to a European related admixture. Interestingly, this genetic signal is no longer detectible in the later Iron Age population. Our results support that a migration event occurred during the Bronze- to Iron- Age transition in Ashkelon but did not leave a long-lasting genetic signature.

See also…
Five foot Philistines


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